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Introducing Africa's First Online Learning Platform Exclusively for Event professionals, Business owners & Entrepreneurs 🌍🎓✨

2023 Pan-African Tour: The art of designing & running a profitable event planning company (A Masterclass)

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Let us show you a sneak peek of what our 2023 Pan-African Tour looked like in some countries we visited 😉

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Francophone X Ghana Day 1

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Francophone X Ghana Day 2

MG 2197 scaled e1704679545601
MG 2856 scaled e1704679736918
MG 2213 scaled e1704679581879
MG 2238 scaled e1704679609342
MG 2863 scaled e1704679757709
MG 2248 scaled e1704679629142
MG 2258 scaled e1704679648415
MG 2291 scaled e1704679668156
MG 2881 scaled e1704679811392
MG 2314 scaled e1704679686819
MG 2491 scaled e1704679702461
MG 2727 scaled e1704679718716
MG 2899 scaled e1704679830725

MNA Pan African Tour - Sierra Leone

MNA Pan African Tour - Sierra Leone (Gala Night & Cocktail)

Limelight Studio 7171 1
Limelight Studio 7183 1
Limelight Studio 7198 1
Limelight Studio 7200 1
Limelight Studio 7208 1
Limelight Studio 7213 1
Limelight Studio 7219 1